
Nicole Submitted this review about Route 66 Auto Transport Inc.
Review made Live: 8/31/2009 11:27:00 AM
They picked up my car within the time frame promised but their communication with me was poor from the beginning. They were supposed to deliver my car on Friday. They never called me, I had to contact them. I was informed they would be there Saturday instead because of another late drop off, which I was okay with. On Saturday, I called them and they said they would be there at the very latest on Sunday. On Sunday, I called them around 1:50 pm. They told me they would be here by 6:00 pm. At 6:10 pm they called me (for the first time) and said they didn't think they could make it that night unless they delivered at or after 10:00 pm. Based on their prior time estimates, I agreed to a Monday morning drop off between 8:00 am - 10:00 am. At 10:05 am on Monday, I called them and they were no where near the agreed drop off point. I am still waiting for my vehicle to arrive. Their lack of communication with the customer and awful time estimates would turn me off from ever doing business with them again.