Increased Quoted Contract Price!

Karen Thomas Submitted this review about Riley Auto Transport
Review made Live: 4/13/2012 6:55:00 PM
Dealing with Riley Automotive has been a complete and total nightmare. I contracted with them, via Shipping Order 940342 on March 14, 2012, to have our Jeep shipped from New York to Washington for a price of $1145. A deposit of $195 was charged to my credit card. I was dragged along for WEEKS, being told that pick up could happen "at any time". Finally, on April 5th, I get a call from Debbie, telling me "good news/bad news", that she MAY have a driver to bring the Jeep to us, BUT it would now cost $1500, even though the contracted amount was $1145!! What is the good of a "contract/shipping order" if they can just raise the cost at will?! Bad enough to be drug along for weeks without a pickup, then to be informed that they cannot do so without raising the cost by almost $400!! I informed them by writing, on April 6th, that due to their breach of the agreed upon price, that I was canceling the contract and wanted my deposit back. To their credit, a call to my credit card company confirmed that they DID initiate refund of my deposit. So, at least they did the right thing by returning my deposit money, though I am now at square one, trying to find a reputable company to deliver my Jeep for an agreed-upon price.

Company Response
Leigh from Riley Auto Transport Submitted this response.
Response Date: 5/9/2012 5:59:00 PM
We do regret that this move did not work out as planned. We unfortunately got caught between the proper run rate as quoted and the sudden driver increase in price.