Will not return calls

ROBERT KORTAN Submitted this review about RideMovers Inc.
Review made Live: 9/10/2005 9:08:00 AM
I called at least 5 times to get information, no 800 number so it was a long distance call for me. Only ones out of the 5 calls did I get someone. All other times I got the answering machine. I left my name and phone number but no one would call me back. I finly did get a call back but it was too late for what I needed. I also used e-mail to contact them. But it took so long for them to get back to me. At least I did get some information from them. I ended up making arangement with the trucker my self, but still had to pay the Broker fee. That is another thing, They didn't tell you it would cost extra to use a Credit Card. I supose just another way of getting extra money out of a person.