Just an FYI to those consumers out there who are considering shipping their car through a broker, and the broker uses "Quality" Relocation Services.
Quality does not have a federal license to operate. See the FMCSA website and type in their DOT number to check their operating status. Their license was revoked in August 2014, which means they should not be in business. All carriers require a federal license from FMCSA in order to engage in interstate travel, and they have no insurance on file as required by 49 CFR § 390.19..
Quality Relocation was a subsidiary of Auto Star Transport, which drove into a building in NY and killed someone this past summer, leading to the revocation of their license. http://m.spokesman.com/stories/2014/jul/08/west-plains-trucking-companys-safety-record/
This means that all reviews occurring after August indicate the company is continuing to operate illegally. Anyone who has had their car damaged by Quality should report this to the BBB, WA Atty General, and file a federal FMCSA complaint.
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