Auto Transport

Jerry Joyce Submitted this review about Priced Rite Auto Transport
Review made Live: 10/29/2015 3:05:00 PM
I used a broker named Priced Rite Auto Transport. The price was very competitive and they always answered the phone promptly. The carrier (subcontractor) delivered the vehicle (FL to CA) in good condition. The carrier was dishonest in the delivery times and dates. They delivered to a holding yard in LA and lied about their delivery commitment to North San Diego. They wasted 3 total days getting it delivered including claiming a truck "broke down" en route between LA and San Diego. In this business you cannot rely on's good if they just get the vehicle delivered without damage or theft. I don't know the carrier's name. Broker said he would try for a small refund but never contacted me again until requesting this review 6 weeks later.