car destroyed, not fully reimbursed

Leslie Huang Submitted this review about PA Transport LLC
Review made Live: 7/10/2013 1:01:00 PM
PA Transport is not paying for about $1,000 in damages it is responsible for. I am reporting this to federal and state regulators.

My company contracted with PA Transport to transport our employee's car across the country. PA Transport contracted with a carrier (the actual driver). Per PA Transport, "On 12/13/12, the trailer brakes caught on fire while the driver was coming down a steep hill, unfortunately the fire department did not get there in time before 3 cars on the trailer were lost to the fire."

The carrier's insurance company paid for damages except for a deductible of about $1,000 in February 2013. The carrier was legally responsible for paying the $1,000 deductible immediately to our employee. PA Transport, as broker, said it would resolve this issue and obtain the deductible payment for our employee. I have spent a lot of time emailing and calling James at PA Transport and had several conversations with him. He is no longer responding to me. Our employee has still not received payment for $1,000 in damages.

Company Response
JR from PA Transport LLC Submitted this response.
Response Date: 8/15/2013 5:04:00 PM
The carrier "M Group Transportation" has since gone out of business. But 6 months later Leslie, who is not the customer contacts PA Transport to pay the carrier's insurance deductible of $1000 while at the same time threatening to slander the company's reputation if we do not. This would not have been the first time we have assisted a customer financially for something caused by our contracted carrier even though it is the carrier's resposibility. Since Leslie, an agent, for the our client's company took to slander, raising false claims of who is actually responsible and writing fictitious recollections of the actual events, we will not be assisting with the carrier's deductible of $1000. From what we gathered from the insurance company the customer was paid the KBB value for his vehicle which is actually more than what the car was actually worth.