Experience of my car transportation

Venkat Submitted this review about New Way Moving Services
Review made Live: 2/20/2009 12:00:00 PM
I was surfing net to find a transport company to move my car from NJ to CA. I contacted few companies and i feel that i am lucky because i found "New Way Moving Services" to ship my car from NJ to CA.

They did excellent job i called them on Friday, i finalise everything by friday noon and pick my car on very next day (Saturday) and shipped. Their price is reasonable compare to other movers. Their staff is very very co-operative and their service is excellent. They even follow up after the pickup.

I am excited to say that i got a very good movers to move my car and i will never hesitate to recamond my friends to them.

According to me they are the best.


Company Response
Rachel from New Way Moving Services Submitted this response.
Response Date: 3/9/2009 3:19:00 PM
Venkat Tahnk you so much for this great review, it was pleasure serving you and your family. please feel free to contact us in the future with all your moving needs.