
Ricardo Adrogue Submitted this review about National Transport LLC
Review made Live: 10/20/2010 9:31:00 PM
BEWARE!. The company has the right to deliver your car in the middle of the night and if you complain they threaten you with not fulfilling their side of the bargain and forcing you to pick up your car at a storage in another state. Beatriz (from JAH Works Trucking (FL) hired by National Transport) threatened me (Ricardo Adrogué) with leaving the car that they were bringing me from California in their storage in Connecticut if I was unable to receive it between 10:30pm and midnight on Wednesday October 20th 2010. I live in Wellesley, Massachusetts (a different state from where JAH Works Trucking was going to store my car). The problem is that the contract explicitly states that you, the customer, are responsible for accepting delivery of the car whenever National Transport LLC decides to deliver it. BEWARE!