Al Sardello
Submitted this review about Move On Time Review made Live: 11/22/2010 9:13:00 PM
Quote request blast turned these folks up who had the best price. Initial contacts were very favorable and customer oriented so a "down payment" was meade. However, two hours before scheduled pick up time, I was informed that "the driver" wanted more money and it was necessary to make a decision now or lose the slot. More money was $150 moire. Now maybe this was legit and maybe not, but the pressure of time and the amount over the quote are definitely suspicous. I cancelled the deal because I didn't like how it started coming down. At that point, customer service went highly negative. First, she refused to take the order "off the board' which, it turns out, holds up anyone else on bidding the job, until she "got around to it after supper". Second, the promise of refund of "down payment" within 5 days was never met; it was recovered via credit card company. Cannot recommed this company under these circumstances. P.S. went with another company who dellivered on every promise with outstanding service every stemp of the way.
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