Broken contract

Brian Russell Submitted this review about Milky Way Trucking LLC
Review made Live: 7/1/2024 11:55:00 AM
It is good to see so many good reviews about Milkey Way Transport but I am not one of the lucky ones, I drew up a contract with Jasper Smith and paid a deposit of $50 balance of $200 to be paid on my car delivery from Dallas to Houston, on the morning of pickup Jasper called me to tell me that because of issues with the driver wanting more money he would have to charge me an extra $200, of course that did not sit well with me and I reminded him that we had a signed contract but that didn't matter to him, anyway he drew up another contract to reflect the additional money and proceeded to get me to sign it which I refused to reminding him once again we already have a contract and I'm not about to pay a dime more, after some back and forth I demanded my deposit of $50 back which he refused to refund, it has been two months now, he won't return my messages or take my calls.