
djk Submitted this review about Mazzalupo Carriers
Review made Live: 10/6/2011 12:32:00 PM
In August 2011, I finally purchased a car I've been looking at since its release in 2007, a Porsche 911 GT3. The only problem I had was that the car was in Washington state and I'm on the east coast, so I started investigating how to hire a car carrier. I figured I just spent a nice chunk of change on a nice car so I better do a little due diligence before rushing the shipping part. What I found was pretty eye opening; there are tons of companies out there who will give you some ridiculously cheap quotes to transport your vehicle but be warned, these folks generally have no real experience moving anything, they're simply brokers who put your vehicle up on a national board for any random trucker to go pickup.

After a few days of searching I came across David Mazzalupo's site and read the whole thing. I understood before I dialed the number that I'd be paying premium for his service and that's what I wanted; I wanted to pay just a little more to have peace of mind that my car would be handled correctly on its long trip across the country.

Mazzalupo is 100% hands-on and knows cars and how to move them correctly. I highly recommend David and his team for any transport needs you have!