Harish Submitted this review about Magic Carpet Auto Transport
Review made Live: 10/19/2011 8:42:00 PM
I used this company to ship my fiancee's car from New Jersey to Austin. They promised me a rebate of $30 when I was checking for rates.
After shipping - they kept calling me 20 times and said unless I write a review- they won't give me my money. After I wrote a "good" review- they said it will take 6-8 weeks to send me the cheque.
I waited and then emailed and no one responded back.
Then I called up and the guy who picked up said- "you worked with Steve and he is no longer here". O.k.- who else can help me- he said let me put you through my HR Manager.
The "manager" came and said- Steve is no longer here and you have not yet done one more step- I give you 1 hour from now- go do it.
I told her I am driving - I can't get this done in an hour and why wasn't I communicated about this earlier and Steve told me I was all set to recieve it.
She said"His job grade does not make him smart- he won't know all these details- you should know all this". Are you kidding me? Me a customer should know all this - when you guys kept calling me to write a review for 20 days????
And when I asked her the above she gave me the stupidest excuse-"if you go to nextel and buy a phone and return it after 30 days they wont take it- but I am giving you one hour now- we are great!". I started laughing and called their bluff.
Then she said- this conversation is over and I am putting down the phone.
DO NOT TRUST THEM- THEY ARE CHEATS- Seriously - you will lose your money!!!