Don't waste your money!

Edgar Submitted this review about KJ Falcon Log LLC
Review made Live: 5/23/2013 11:15:00 PM
ATL (my broker) contracted KJ Falcon to move my car. I had to constantly call to inquire about my pick up time on the 7th and was told at noon. They lied by telling me it was gonna be picked up at noon and instead picked up the car on Wednesday the 8th at 2 pm. (btw they almost left a car behind and I had to remind him to take it, tells you how responsible they are) Driver told me he will see me on moday. On Sunday the 12 I called KJ Falcon because no one notified me of the delivery time and they gave me 2 other phone numbers to their drivers and no answer. I called on Monday the 13th and they told me it was going to get there at noon and no one showed up and I called again throughout the day and was told that it would get delivered at 6pm then i called at 6pm they told that it was going to get delivered either very late or very early on the following morning on Tuesday. I then called mike and he told me that it will be there between 11am-12pm. Tuesday comes no one calls me. I call them at noon, they said it's gonna get delivered at 6 pm because their truck broke down and are 40 miles outside DC then they called to say they would get there at 8 or 9ish. the driver shows up until 12:30 am. Mike lied all along trying to give me reasons for his constant delays. The car arrived dirty with 3 ugly pointy dents on the hood and these guys never call to notify you of anything. They really shouldn't stay in business if they can't keep their word! Please avoid them at all costs!