First time moving a vehicle

Linda Submitted this review about Honest Auto Movers
Review made Live: 6/20/2013 1:05:00 AM
I received my truck last night. Thank you very much for your prompt service. The guy was really nice and very communicative about his plans, whereabouts and arrival times. It worked out perfectly!
I was a wee bit nervous because I just randomly selected you guys, but you met my expectations! Thanks for the help.

Company Response
Capt Mark from Honest Auto Movers Submitted this response.
Response Date: 7/6/2013 9:37:00 AM
Thanks Linda. We have no voice mail in our company for the drivers which is our little secret to success. If a driver were to call and we missed it but called him back instantly, we can easily lose our customer's truck as he is already on the phone with the next guy. I am glad it all worked out!