LVehicle shipment

Parisa K Submitted this review about Googa Transport Inc
Review made Live: 9/26/2024 10:21:00 AM
I can’t thank Leo enough for going above and beyond to ensure that a vehicle I purchased from a dealership in Costa Mesa, CA made it safely to my house in Tracy, CA. When I initially started researching different transport companies and requesting quotes to see how much it would cost to ship my vehicle I was immediately overwhelmed by the amount of brokers and companies that contacted me within a few minutes of submitting my information. The quotes I received ranged from the very low end of $200 (which was definitely a scam) to $900 which was definitely overpriced. The process to purchase the vehicle from the dealership took longer than expected and was extremely frustrating and expensive. Since I had so many transport companies incessantly texting and emailing me on a daily basis I didn’t know where to start or who to trust especially after reading so many awful reviews about several of these transport companies. There was no shortage of people who fell victim to the shady business practices that seemed to be the norm in the car shipping industry. I read review after review about how the broker would purposely quote the customer a cheaper price to get their business and as soon as the contract was signed the price would immediately increase because the broker would say that all of the available drivers were now demanding more money than the price that was agreed upon in the signed contract which made me question why even bother having a signed contract at all if it clearly doesn’t mean anything after the fact. I only had a certain amount of money set aside that I could put towards the shipment of my vehicle and my biggest fear was that I would sign a contract for one price and then be told that it was going to cost more and if I didn’t come up with that amount I would not receive my car which happened to a lot of people that had written reviews about their horrible experiences. Thankfully that’s when Leo and Googa Transport came to the rescue. Leo was extremely genuine, honest, and professional in all of his communications with me and after I shared my concerns of what I had been going through with other companies he told me that he would do whatever it takes to earn my trust and my business and more importantly he acknowledged my feelings and wanted to put my mind at ease. Leo worked tirelessly to ensure that he found a reputable driver that was in my budget and he even made to sure to write in the contract that under no circumstances would the agreed upon amount ever change. I felt confident when I signed the contract that I would be getting exactly what Leo had promised me and he 100% delivered on those expectations. He didn’t pressure me to sign the contract either until he knew I was comfortable and satisfied with what he had presented me with. He communicated every step of the way with me and he worked so hard to find a driver that would agree to pick up vehicle for exactly the amount of money I could afford that same day. Throughout my conversations with Leo other companies continued to call and text me and all of them had increased the price they had literally just quoted me the day before even though they did not actually have a driver who had agreed to pick up the vehicle. Once Leo found a suitable driver and we signed the contract he immediately sent me their information and kept me updated hourly on their progress. The vehicle was going to be picked up between 6p-7p and during that time window Leo texted me extremely apologetic and said that the driver had contacted him and there was an issue with the brakes on his truck so he would not be able to safely pick up the vehicle that evening and it would instead be picked up the next morning which was Tuesday morning. Leo apologized several times and stated that I had put my teust jn him and he felt as if he had failed me since the driver was now unable to pick up the vehicle as promised. I reassured Leo that he absolutely did not fail me at all in fact quite the opposite I was so impressed by how conscientious and hard working he had been throughout this whole process and I told him that in no way was it his fault that the truck’s brakes needed service and I completely understood that things happen that our beyond our control and what mattered to me the most was just to maintain an open line of communication which he absolutely did from the moment I started talking to him. He promised me that if this driver was unable to pick up the vehicle the next day then he would have another reputable driver dispatched the next morning to pick up the vehicle as soon as possible. Needless to say Leo kept that promise and my vehicle was picked up and delivered to me early Wednesday morning as promised. Leo continued to stay in constant communication with me even after the vehicle had been dropped off at my house to ensure that I was 100% satisfied which I told him that I was so impressed with the service he provided because nowadays it is extremely difficult to find the quality of customer service that he had provided to me throughout this whole experience. I usually do not go online to write a review unless the staff and the service provided is extremely exceptional and I felt it was very important that I communicate what an amazing job Leo did and that his efforts should be recognized which too often does not happen when an employee goes above and beyond because people are more likely to write a negative review so great employees like Leo who show up and do their job as expected without asking to be recognized truly go unnoticed far too often. Leo was truly the reason that I had such a positive experience and I absolutely 100% recommend using Leo and Googa transport if you ever need a vehicle shipped.