not interest in resolving matter

Leslie (for Faisl) Submitted this review about Flofield Inc.
Review made Live: 9/10/2009 2:06:00 PM
ANDY is the biggest jerk I have ever dealt with. He's not interested in resolving this matter because he knows he has the vehicle as hostage. Now he wants to refund the $200 deposit given, but doesn't want to refund it until payment is made upon picking up the car. His reason is "he doesn't trust us." What's not to trust... he's had a $200 deposit for12 days, he has the vehicle, and will only accept cash to retrieve the vehicle. The original quote for transporting was $649 and has grown to $1105, which includes the deposit he is going to refund; however, he won't refund the deposit until the vehicle is paid for. WHAT ARE THE CHANCES THAT REFUND IS GOING TO BE MADE AFTER PAYMENT IS MADE TO PICKUP THE VEHICLE????? I can tell you that the chances are 0%. I'm equally sure that the $500 gas voucher will never be seen. I'm caught in the middle, as a third party, trying to help a foreign exchange student that speaks a little English retrieve his vehicle and A**HOLE Andy obviously has no sense of right or wrong and is simply a crook!!!! One day, ANDY, you will have to answer for all the WRONGS you have committed and I can tell you that it's going to be extremely HOT in the place you will be after you're done in this lifetime. We all create KARMA, good and bad, and I don't believe you have any good KARMA in reserves. I'm extremely sad for you and your pathetic life.

Company Response
Andrew from Flofield Inc. Submitted this response.
Response Date: 9/17/2009 9:02:00 AM
the refund was made and a copy sent to him, the customer had some woman talking for him and refusing to even pay for the terminal fees which he was responsible for and was indicated in the contract, the price did not grow by itself, the additional charges that he signed for in the contract made it grow.