BEWARE! Stay away from Express Auto Transport!

M Smith Submitted this review about Express Auto Transport
Review made Live: 9/10/2007 7:46:00 PM
I wish I would have found this site BEFORE I went with Express Auto Transport. I got quotes from 5 different companies, they were by far the cheapest. So, we went with them. Bad, bad choice. The car was never picked up, we waited for 25 days, then decided to check around because we needed the car! Found a company that could pick it up in 2 days, they delivered it 4 days later. Still trying to get my money back from them~I can't believe what a nightmare this has turned into. It's worth paying a little more for a company with great feedback, trust me. They lure you in with the lowest bid, and seem so nice on the phone, but never produce results. I'm in the process of getting a reverse charge on my credit card and filing a complaint with the BBB.