Time and Money

John C. Submitted this review about EbidTransport Inc
Review made Live: 2/14/2013 6:51:00 AM
The down side to my experience with Ebid Transport Brokers is the old "rope a dope". I used Transport Reviews to get quotes from multiple transport brokers. I chose the next to lowest bidder and thought I was getting a fair deal. I stated the car could be picked up anytime, but no later than my target date. This allowed them 1 month to find a carrier. As the target date approached and many phone calls later it was determined that I would have to pay more money, because the price I was quoted was below what the drivers would transport for. Needless to say not only did I pay more money the trarget date was missed by 10 days, though that was a major disappointment, I will admit that the carrier Viva Express was very professional and handle the car with care. I do recommend Viva Express as a carrier.

John C.