lies, lies lies

Dani Submitted this review about Door-To-Door Auto Transport
Review made Live: 5/30/2007 6:11:00 PM
Contacted Door to Door transport or The car Shippers to pick up my car from Nevada on May 12th. I received a quote of $725. to ship to Michigan. I spoke to Ryan and explained that I needed my car picked up by the 24th of May. He assured me that this was not a problem and I told him that the reason that I was going with this company was because they could meet the date requirements I had for pick up. I asked him several times during the conversation if this was going to be a problem as it is imperative that my car be picked up by that date as I was returning to Michigan at that time. Over and over he assured me it would be NO PROBLEM. They had me personally go to the bank and deposit a check for $200 into their bank account as they do not take credit cards. I think this is due to the fact that they do not want credit card disputes.

Three days after making this deposit I was E MAILED, not called, and was informed that they had not received my $200. deposit. At this point I was in Michigan and had left the bank receipt in Nevada. After 9 or 10 phone calls and my daughter being able to obtain a copy of the deposit slip to fax to them, they miraculously found the lost deposit. At this point I verified with the female that was "trying to figure things out" that the 24th was still the pick up date. On May 24th I received this e-mail message:

We are working on assigning your vehicle to a carrier. Once we have it
Assigned, we will contact you by email and also contact the pick up person
by phone.

If you have any questions, feel free to call us at 866-429-9677

No phone call again. I called to find out what was going on and they gave some story about no available trucks in the area and the closest truck was in Phoenix Arizona. I asked that they figure out what was going on and to call me with a resolution immediately. They promptly informed me that they have 15 days from the requested pick up date to arrange for pick up of my car, so 15 days from the 24th of May, and they could pick it up any time during that period.

Well here it is, May 30th and several exhausting conversations later with Ryan and Jason the supposed 1/2 owner of the company, and they have no one that will pick up the car for the price they quoted and I would need to pay additional money or cancel my order. They gave me some cock and bull story about how gas prices have gone up in the last two weeks they can no longer do it for the CONTRACTED price I was given and paid the deposit for. After a very RUDE Jason, who by the way had to go to his office and call me back to finish his call with me so the other employees would not hear what he was about to say to me or tone he was about to use with me, he proceeded to inform me that he was going to EDUCATE me on his business and the I was IGNORANT to their processes. I interrupted him and he became very hostile as he did not want me to speak AT ALL until he finished educating me on his business which I could not possibly know anything about. Once Jason was done blowing his high horse steam off, I tried to explain to him that when a person contracts for a price, such as an airline ticket, and you paid or made your deposit, they don't change the price at the counter on the day you fly because the gas prices went up. I told Jason that his explanation was ridiculous and that he was giving me the bait and switch to charge more and he quickly informed me that our conversation was now over, my car pick is canceled AND that he does not need to be spoken to in such a degrading manner and he slammed the phone down after making a derogatory comment that I will not print here. Hmmm.....he basically told me to shut up, don't talk while he is talking and that I was obviously ignorant to THAT business and my little comment about his explanation being ridiculous was verbal abuse to him. Bottom line, they bait and switch and not one thing they told me was the truth. My husband called them back and tried to speak to Jason and now the story changes that they have THREE weeks from May 24th to find a transporter for the car and that even then don't guarantee that they will find one and that after three weeks, if no one is found to transport the car at that time we could then cancel. In the mean time, we are both in Detroit and no way to get the car their and there for we are at their mercy and thy know that. Well , my husband is taking time off of work and flying to Nevada to drive the car out himself. Now I will wait to see if I get my $200. deposit back. Doubtful.

In any case, do not use them, do not use them, do not use them!!!! You won't get your car picked up and it is doubtful that you will receive a refund of any money that you directly deposit into their account. By the way, the $200 is their finders fee - they don't tell you that up front nor tdo they print it on their contract. I found it out when Jason accidently told me that no one will ship your car for $525 at these gas prices. I corected him and told him it was $725 and he stumbled over his words and said that $200 was their administration fee of some sort.