Domestic Transport FL to TX

Ray Submitted this review about Domestic Auto Transport
Review made Live: 3/29/2010 8:29:00 AM
The Transport Brokering service I received from Domestic was very helpful in ensuring my purchased vehicle was booked on a truck in a timely fashion. Allen did a great job of educating me on the process and the value of going through a paid booking service in order to get fast, reliable providers lined up to transport my vehicle. Overall, for that aspect of the transport, Allen and Domestic performed very well!

With a third of the cost of transport going to Domestic, I would have liked to see more involvement and accountability all the way through the transport process, including most all communication and coordination with the selected transport dispatcher and driver in route. Both me and the vehicle owner at the pickup end had to be way more involved than expected.

Overall excellent service and I would use Domestic in the future.

Company Response
terry Williams from Domestic Auto Transport Submitted this response.
Response Date: 3/29/2010 10:52:00 AM
Hi Ray, It was really good working wtih you to get your vehicle to you. I am very glad to hear you were so happy with mine and Domestic's service. I will work on the communication aspects you pointed out and hope that my next customer benefits from your observations. I look forward to working with you in the future and with anyone you refer my direction. Thanks again Ray.-Allen-360-313-6667