Even when she was there, she was no help...
Submitted this review about
Domestic Auto Transport
Review made Live: 10/30/2012 4:24:00 PM
I set up the shipment for my car through U-Ship and I then selected Domestic Auto Transport due to relative low cost and decent reviews. Everything started well, with Naomi being quite helpful, but when the first carrier couldn't pick up my car because no one was available at the origin, Naomi seemed to give up and move on. Nearly every time I called for her she was out, either to lunch or gone for the day. This was probably a total of ten times, of which three she was helping other customers, the rest, well, let's just say she does her job well when she is there. The initial cost was to be $745, with $90 going to U-Ship. Within a week, Naomi had someone to pick up the car, but because I was already in California (military move) and my girlfriend was unavailable to be there for the car being picked up, the initial pick-up company fell through. No big deal, find another one, right? Well, this proved to be an almost insurmountable task for Naomi. I began to receive random phone calls, with no word from her, from all types of companies and drivers ready to pick up my vehicle. Each time I received one of those calls, I tried to contact Naomi to see if she had set this up and I would continually be told that she was at lunch or gone for the day and she would call me back ASAP. Rarely did I receive a call back, two times out of ten. When I finally did get in contact with her she said yes, she did set up a move with another company. But it was going to be an extra $50 and they would drop the car in San Jose, 90 miles from where I need it. Great job!!! More money and now I have to inconvenience a friend for a ride to San Jose. But here is where it gets really weird. During this conversation, Naomi tells me that the company already has my car and then she asks me when it will arrive in California. Shocked because my gf never told me about a pick up, I asked Naomi what she was talking about. She said the carrier told her the car was picked up. I told her she better check her facts because that couldn't be possible and she told me I should probably call my gf to make sure. I called my gf while Naomi tried to contact the carrier. The car was in the garage and I called Naomi back but she wasn't available. I called back 30 minutes later and got her on the phone. She still couldn't get a hold of the carrier, but I told her the car was in the garage and she should probably figure out what the H was going on over there. She said she would and get back to me. Two days later I called Naomi, and she was busy. The lady who answered asked if she could help and I said no, I need to talk to Naomi now. NOW. Wow, that worked. About three minutes later Naomi was on the phone. Of course, she still hadn't gotten a hold of the carrier. Irrelevant because I had already made up my mind to cancel the shipment. Not gonna trust Naomi, nor this carrier with my 67 Mustang. I then asked her to cancel the shipment and refund my money. She said she could refund the Domestic Auto charges but she wasn't sure about the U-Ship charges. Fair enough, but here we are a full three weeks after that final conversation and there is no refund to be found. $100 lesson that I was more than willing to let slide until... I received a request from Naomi to rate her. Not only that, but she wants 5 stars! Because then she gets $100 for being awesome!!! Directly after that email, I get another saying my shipment is complete. Well, yes it is. Nothing was ever delivered and you all got a few bucks from me, so I guess that makes it complete. Naomi, honestly, how ignorant can you be to ask me for this rating? Do you understand that you did the least amount of work possible and when confronted with a problem you completely ignored the situation hoping that it would work itself out. You never refunded anything. BUT, when it came to you possibly getting $100 you were all over it. Well, this whole situation reminds me of the following quote from the cinematic classic Billy Madison:
"Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I've ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response was there anything that could even be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul!"
So...sorry for the length of this review, but I felt that it all needed to be said. Solely because Naomi asked me to rate her. I hope she does get that $100. But it won't be because of me.