Be prepared. I contacted Direct Connect 2 weeks prior to the scheduled pick up date and explained that I was on a tight schedule and I had one day for the vehicle to be picked up. On the scheduled day of pickup, I was called and told the the pickup would be the following day. I explained numerous time that this was unacceptable due to my schedule. and that I lived in another town,. After going back and forth,I was asked to leave the car overnight in the parking lot of the local Home Depot and leave the key under the floor mat to be picked up the following evening. Who would do that? 24 hours unlocked in a parking lot? Unacceptable.
After several phone calls,another carrier was brought in the pick up the car early the next day. It was an inconvenience for me (the customer) to change my schedule to fit there's, but it made no difference to them. It was that or nothing. This carrier DID pick up the car at the requested location and deliver as scheduled. He was professional and courteous. A very frustrating and disappointing experience. Something straightforward went sideways quickly. My schedule meant nothing.
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