DAS Evaluation

L Bourne Submitted this review about Dependable Auto Shippers
Review made Live: 2/16/2010 5:26:00 PM
The car was picked up timely on 2/1 and the original delivery date was 2/11. I checked a few days later and noted the date had been moved to 2/15 which to me was unacceptable. I talked to several customer service people over the next several days and despite my frustration they were always professional, courteous and helpful. I kept up with the move status on the DAS website and also by phone and noted the information was not always consistent. Despite this I was heartened to see on 2/10 that the delivery date had been moved to the original 2/11 date. However, this was the date of the great Dallas area snow storm which dumped about 11" of snow in the area and the car was unable to be moved. I called another custome service rep who was a knowledgeable gentleman who advised the car should arrive on 2/13 around 4 pm.

I was in the area of the drop off and decided to drive to the drop off point which is a local wrecker service and the truck had just arrived with the car. The driver was friendly and helpful and called someone with the wrecker service who inspected the car and helped with the paper work. The car was very dirty from the dirty melting snow spray but in perfect condition otherwise.

This was my first internet car purchase and I would advise anyone as a first choice to fly to the dealer and drive the car home, particularly if impatient like me. However all in all I was well pleased with DAS and would use the company again.

Company Response
J Krueger from Dependable Auto Shippers Submitted this response.
Response Date: 2/17/2010 3:11:00 PM
We apologize for Mr. Bourne's car running late. Unfortunately, the unusually harsh weather that has impacted the eastern seaboard has also had a negative impact on getting our trucks moved around the country. Hopefully the severe east coast storms are behind us and scheduling can return to normal.