Broke down...

Jennifer Submitted this review about Dependable Auto Movers
Review made Live: 3/29/2007 1:02:00 PM
We we're driving across the country and on our last day of driving we broke down in Ohio. Our final destination was Maryland. My car had a timing belt break and there would be no way for the auto shop to fix it right away. We were pressed for time so we had to rent a car and leave mine in Ohio. We figured we would pick it up the next weekend fixed or not, but the drive would be about 10 hours both ways. If we were going to drive it our selfs it would take our whole weekend and we knew it would cost a ton and it would be a huge pain. So we decided to look online to see if any companies would pick my car up and bring it to me. We found about 6 companies, I called each one and got a quote. This company had the best quote beating the other companies by over $100.00. This saved us a whole lot of time and money. We ended up making the order online, we were told the max amount of time for our car to be delivered to us would be about 10 days. So we were shocked to get a phone call the next day from the person bringing the vehicle and he said he would deliver the car the next morning. We were very pleased. It was simple and fast. Thanks.