
Andy Submitted this review about Dependable Auto Movers
Review made Live: 11/23/2008 3:44:00 PM
Overall very satisfied with this company. Good Price, moved fast. Delivery was late, but when the roads get shut down because of a snow storm that is kinda unavoidable. Patriot Auto transport was a good company to deal with, nice guy, knew his job well and got the truck into my business side driveway ( Impressive because most truck drivers will not attempt) and did it with easy. Car was pretty dirty as well as all the other cars on the truck, but again if the roads were shut down because of snow I have to imagine that when the were opened they were a little sloppy, I didn't excpecthim to take all the cars to the carwash before dropping them off, my car was inoperable, and it was placed all the way on the front, maybe that is just the way it was picked up, but cars had to be moved before mine was able to be yanked off. I would use this company again, nice friendly people and quick pickup and delivery, thanks.