JeVar Submitted this review about Dash Auto Movers Network Corp
Review made Live: 1/7/2007 9:18:00 PM
Everything went fine with the delivery except that I ordered and payed the deposit on the 19th of December and they were going to get it before the 22nd and then they never called. I then decided that with X-mas and all that maybe they were having a hard time so I decided to wait until the day after to call. I called and they said they wanted to get it by the weekend and that they would call me or my original car holder back, which they never did. I proceeded to call consistently everyday after that weekend and they kept saying they were goona talk to a driver and they would call back, So I finally got mad on friday and when they wanted me to let them call back I told them now for the last time and he said he really would call back which he did and said they just gave them my order and they would pick it up the next day, which they did and had it here the day after in the morning around 8 so the service was good once they figured it out but it took close to 3 weeks for me to get my car