Excellent Service For Car Transport

Sandeep Patel Submitted this review about Cruise Control Auto Transport
Review made Live: 6/11/2013 3:42:00 PM
In simple words, the services from Cruise Control Auto Transport (Andrew Stall) is prompt & excellent. Andrew picks and answers the phone on Sunday and out of office hours as well. Gives the correct information on vehicle transportation and cost of the transportation without any hidden cost. The Cruise Control Auto Transport (Andrew Stall) adjusted (reduced) their brokerage after committing final transportation cost to me instead of asking extra money from me due to high demand from courier.

I had been told that due to technical issues, the car wont be picked up on time and would be reaching destination on time but unfortunately car reached destination 20 hours late:(

Overall, I would recommend Cruise Control Auto Transport as preferred broker for transporting your belongings.