Unprofessional, unethical, irresponsible.

Emily Hall Submitted this review about Cross Country Auto Transport
Review made Live: 7/28/2010 4:14:00 PM
I am completely unsatisfied with the service provided by Cross Country Auto Transport. Not only was I lied to by one of their employees upon hiring them, I never received any information concerning the seven-day pick-up window they have, and I was told that my vehicle would be delivered BY a specific date. The vehicle was not delivered on that date, in fact, it was picked up from Oklahoma on that day.

I was told that a day of delay shouldn't be a big problem. The manager of the company stated that there was no problem with the service, after all the car was eventually picked up and only a day late by their standards. If I were paying for someone to eventually pick my car up and do the bare minimum required of a service I would have hired someone off of Craigslist, not a professional transport company. The excuses I was given were circumstantial at best and not a single person would take responsibility for the break down in the process. I will be contacting the Better Business Bureau immediately.