Excellent service - hghly recommend

alan Submitted this review about Cross Country Auto Transport
Review made Live: 8/22/2009 8:24:00 PM
The pickup was on short notice and on time. The driver was friendly and went over the car with me as he recorded existing dings and paint chips.

He though he might be delayed by 1 day in transit to have some repair to his truck but showed up with the car in only 4 days.

I was not there to receive my car and my wife does not drive manual shift cars. He drove the car into our driveway for my wife. She though him a nice person.

Working with Ms. Feldmen at the dispatch company was a pleasure. She quickly told me the price and did her best to get a truck to pick up my car on 2 days notice.

I definitely recommend the company and driver. I have shipped my car two other times (I'm a consultant and travel a lot). This was by far my best shipping experience.