Damaged Auto

James Brock Submitted this review about Cross Country Auto Transport
Review made Live: 5/13/2008 8:06:00 AM
I contracted withCross Country Aujto Transport to ship my 05 DTS Cadillac to Arizona and back from my home in Michigan. They state on the email sent to me that they are "Always insured Full coverage/nodeductible". They subcontracted the move to Star Auto and Boat, Lebanon, MO. Enroute to Arizona, my car that was loaded as the last car on the upper deck was damaged on the rear bumper (it hung over the end of the trailer a couple of feet.). Star promised to have the damage repaired on the trip back to Michigan and make it like new, to which I agreed. The car arrived without the repairs, but the owner of Star told me he had arranged with a body shop in Michigan to repair the car. I could never make contact with the body shop and Star says that their deductible is too high to pay for the repair, so they are not interested in having a body shop in Michigan do the work.

Repeated contacts to Cross Country Auto Transport result in "I'll have someone get back to you shortly". Quick to take the money but hard to get satisfaction from when there is a problem

Company Response
Luis Molina from Cross Country Auto Transport Submitted this response.
Response Date: 5/13/2008 12:53:00 PM
We have helped James as much as we can.He did sign the Bill of Lading and their isnt much we can do after that.We did explain we have the insurance policy on file and will foward it to anywhere he would like.