I contacted Countrywide Auto Transport in June '09 about transprting my daughter's car from California to Virginia upon the recomendation of a friend who had her car transported from Virginia to California in January '09. My friend had a good experience with is company and the price seemed very low in comparison to other quotes I recieved at the time. I regret that I did not check the reviews, but trusted this company solely on the basis of my friend's recomendation! The woman I spoke to at Countrywide suggested that I pay in full to "lock in the price" just in case the price of gas went up. My credit card was charged on 6/22/09 and the car was not supposed to be picked up until 8/4/09, but I was not overly concerned, until last week when I called and e-mailed Countrywide to change the date and location of the pick-up. That's when I really started to be concerned. After 3 days of calling and e-mailing, I felt like I had been punched in the stomach and decided that these people probably went out of business and took my money with them. I called my credit card company and reported this incident as FRAUD and I am disputing the charges. On Friday, I called the Countrywide number again, and this time, there was a recoding indicating that the company had indeed gone out of business. I am not sure what our recourse is, but I encouage all you who have been burned by this company to report them! I would like all of us to band to together and file a law suit against them, if there is noe other solution!
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