First time doing this sort of thing. Wonderful.

Blake Submitted this review about Corporate Auto Transport
Review made Live: 2/17/2015 3:57:00 PM
Never did this type of thing before....where I put out a request to have a car moved. Tina and Tara helped me through the process, independent delivery service was fantastic and very communicative.

I Fedex'ed the money to the seller of the car, he FedExed the title to me. Seller reports his experience dealing with the independent delivery service to be "excellent". I can report the same on my end.

I agreed to meet with the delivery driver at 2 am to unload the car. Bad weather had him moving behind schedule coming out of Utah.....totally legit, totally honest and I had every confidence in this service.

I was not disappointed.

I really enjoyed this experience. For the time and aggravation it saved me from going after the car myself....this was $750 well spent and I would do it again.

This company treated me well, no pressure, and delivered as they promised they would. Yeah, I got a $150 cheaper quote....but I chose Corporate Auto and am not disappointed. Now...the cheaper company seemed good too but I had already started conversations with Corporate. Corporate responded the quickest but did so in a non-aggressive way.

Just a great experience. I was nervous until I saw the car pull into my street.....but that is not because of Corporate or the private contractor either one. My nervousness was I had never ever done this before. Now, looking back, there were NO suprises....NO hidden fees. This experience played out just like Tina and Tara told me it would.

I would trust them again.

I rather enjoyed the independent contractor and his wife.....husband and wife team. These folks aren't afraid of working hard and were so polite. They were very grateful i was willing to meet them at 2 am so that they could make up for some lost time.

Folks.....there are good, hard working people left in this world. I knew this and hadn't lost faith in that fact. But this total experience supports what I know to be true.

Even at 2 am, him and his wife were cool and polite. No rush rush, sign here! sort of thing. Totally willing to visit with me and seemed relaxed.

I am no expert at these transactions. I am not a car collector or frequent cross-country mover. This was my first experience EVER having a car transported. So I have no other experience to compare this to. However, I can't think of anything that was not great about this.

Thanks Tina and Tara! And Corporate Auto and the independent transporter who served me so well.
