better late than never

joe Submitted this review about Classic Auto Express LLC
Review made Live: 11/12/2009 8:58:00 PM
my vehicle was 1 day late,the dispatch lady was hard to understand on the phone heavy accent .she told me it would arrive on monday by 5pm and it never did ,dispatch never notified me .i had to keep calling them .then the arrival time was changed to the following day ,thats tuesday at 5 pm .it actualy l arrived at 6;05pm .that kind of sucked ,because i cant checked for damages in the dark. and also it was not door to door service , i had to meet the guy on the main road ,and drive the car home ,he claims NO TRUCKS allowed on my street. meanwhile there is no sign posted .been living here 40 years .overall i got my car in 1 peice ,and almost on time,thats all that matters. it could be worst .thanks