Most Horrible Experience

MJ Submitted this review about Champion Auto Brokers USA
Review made Live: 11/1/2007 3:53:00 PM
I moved from Boston, MA to San Francisco, CA at the end of August. I placed an order for my vehicle to be picked up approximately a week and a half prior to moving. At this time, I paid in full on my credit card and even added an additional $50 for a speedier pickup. Days and then weeks would go by and still no pickup. I was already in San Francisco and had to trouble friends to watch my car. Keep in mind that Boston has only street parking with 2 hr max or paid parking spaces for $200/mos. I would call him almost every day and he would not return phone calls. Finally two and a half weeks later when he returned my calls, he said he had arranged a pickup. But upon confirmation with the truck company, I learned that the driver had already left without my vehicle! Luke had never returned their phone calls. Luke said that their was some "miscommunication." Obviously, he was too busy negotiating with other truck companies to see if he could squeeze a better profit. He finally did find another truck company that was very reliable (Forgive Me Not Truck Company). However, once my vehicle was in transit the truck company informed me that they would not hand over my car until Champion Auto Brokers paid them for their services. Luke said that he would settle the situation. But days would go by and still no payment. Then when I was 3-wayed on a telephone conversation with the truck company and a different broker , the broker said that I didn't even pay . . . which I did 4 weeks ago!!!! I had to forward all my receipts to him (while I was on vacation). Shouldn't they have such information filed somewhere???? Finally, Champion wired the money to the trucking company and I got my car 4 weeks later in late September. This was the most frustrating experience ever!!!! Next time I would deal directly with the trucking company or just drive my car cross country. That would definitely be faster than dealing with Champion for 4 weeks and be less stressful. Champion Auto Brokers and Luke is very unprofessional. Businesses should return customer's phone calls, follow-up, and finish the job they're paid to do!