Auto transporting by Cascade

L. Waterman Submitted this review about Cascade Vehicle Shipping Inc.
Review made Live: 10/9/2010 4:54:00 PM
I first went on line to find three companies that did Auto Transporting. I e-mail all three. I immediately received an e-mail from Kimberly at Cascade. The following I received a follow-up e-mail from Kimberly and 1st e-mail from 2nd company. The 3rd day I got a personel call from Kimberly to answer any questions that I had. I also received 3rd Co. e-mail. The quotes were very close from all 3 companies. Two just dollars apart (50) and one 2oo over. After I spoke with Kimberly I felt safe in going with her company.

The Auto was picked-up from my Sister on Saturday morning and delivered to me on Monday morning. One day earlier than I had expected. The driver called me the night before to let me know. He even worked around a Doctor's appt that I had scheduled for that afternoon, by coming in the morning. The truck was driven right to my driveway and unloaded in perfect condition.

The auto now sits in my garage and my experience with Cascade Vehicle Shipping, Inc. was very good. I would use them again,

Company Response
Terry Williams from Cascade Vehicle Shipping Inc. Submitted this response.
Response Date: 10/11/2010 2:55:00 PM
Kimberly 360-834-7898 ext 235 Lynn, Thank you so much for everything! I am so glad that you were happy with the service provided. If there is anything else I can do to help you please let me know. Thank you so much