Brokers were good- communication could've been better

Jennifer Parker Submitted this review about Cascade Vehicle Shipping Inc.
Review made Live: 3/29/2010 10:26:00 AM
This was my first time using a car shipping service. I will say that my initial experience on phone - the explaination of the process etc...were fantastic. Now fast forward to date of pick-up. There was a huge snow storm which affected both my movers and my shippers. Cascade did contact me to review the possibility of late pick up due to weather - completely understandable. Much to my surprise- I was told by Cascade that everything was going to fine - he would be later than expected that day but would in fact come to pick-up. Then I get a phone call from the actual company who is shipping my car - saying that the driver isn't able to make it afterall. Without- getting into all the boring detail...I could get my car picked up- IF...I went and drove my car to the shipper (45 mins away) So I went and picked up the shipper...drove back to my apartment onlyu to have him take the car back to where his truck was parked. My issue was that I was told by the shipping company and Cascade that I would be followed up with in regards to some kind of deduction on cost due to the inconvenience. Once my car was in the shippers hands I recieved no follow up...even after i made phone calls to both assuring me that I would. My car did arrive promptly and everyone was nice...just frustrated that they raised my price to get car to get picked up in the first place and had no follow up even though i was promised i would.