Greg Bailey 360-853-2821)

Erin Gutfinski Submitted this review about Cascade Vehicle Shipping Inc.
Review made Live: 5/31/2013 9:25:00 PM
The day my 2010 Jeep Patriot was supposed to be picked up on was May 20th, but instead it was picked up on May 22nd. I didn't mind that it not much of a big deal to me. The car was also supposed to be delivered on May 29th, but it was delivered a day late due to truck issues that the driver was having. The truck in itself wasn't starting up. No problem in waiting for the car. Stuart, the driver had explained he couldn't go down the road I was living on b/c of the trees. So we decided to meet at a local truck stop by the interstate. that worked out...until I had to pay... Man that was a pain the @$$. I thought since they had said certified check I had thought that meant a regular check from my bank. no... unfortunately I was wrong, and I had to talk to my bank to allow $850 out of my atm card at a machine... that didn't work so i had to quickly go to my boyfriends bank to get money from his bank...thankfully enough it worked.

the only payments are allowed to the driver when getting to destination: cash, certified check or money order

I have seen other companies have credit card transactions...i was a little confused that they couldn't do that... eventually the driver got $850 in cash in hand and I could drive home happy.

Very pleased with this company 5 stars is a must on this delivery... thanks so much for shipping my car!!

Company Response
Terry Williams from Cascade Vehicle Shipping Inc. Submitted this response.
Response Date: 6/4/2013 12:45:00 PM
Greg 360-853-2821, Thank you for your 5-Star Review, I really enjoyed working with you to get your vehicle moved and look forward to hearing from you in the future!