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Michael Submitted this review about Car On A Truck
Review made Live: 6/19/2007 3:50:00 PM
The phone number listed with the BBB and that appears on bank transactions for tracking 480-921-1318 is not valid. The e-mail I have now received elluding to a truck assignment after my initial request for refund is ambiguous, and in no way clarifies; that an assignment has been made, provides carriers information, or expected dates for pick-up. The only proof provided is their pronouncement that the assignment has been made. All appearances of the company list them as a transporter, not as a broker, which is what they truly are. It is my opinion that they are skating on the edges of misrepresentation. The contract I agreed to on their website has links to their terms of use and privacy policy addendum, neither of which indicate a policy on refunds. Additionally there is no other information listed under their term and conditions of shipment other than their copyright nor is there a link shown to such information. Now suddenly after I've requested the refund and threatened to formalize a complaint, a driver from a towing company wants to pick-up the vehicle today. No call to arrange a time prior to today was initiated forcing us to make other arrangements, and the transporter is refusing to refund the $250 deposit.