Don't Use Car Movers USA

Lamont Submitted this review about Car Movers USA
Review made Live: 6/7/2007 4:26:00 PM
I'm not sure what this company does, but in my case, they don't move vehicles. I contracted over the phone for 925 with a $125 deposit. After 3 weeks and numerous phone calls, I cancelled the contract. I received a notification that my credit card would be refunded in 7-10 business days but it's been over a month and I now have a payment hold with a dispute pending.

I think these guys book as many possible jobs as they can and then hold the money for as long as possible to collect the short term interest. It's pretty clear that they're not in the business of moving cars or providing customer service. I plan on filing a complaint with the State Attorney General's office where they are licensed. One need only read this site to see that there are not many good reviews and I question the validity of any positive postings on this company.