Very Poor Company

Sharon Submitted this review about Car Movers USA
Review made Live: 3/9/2007 11:17:00 AM
When I contracted Car Movers USA to transport two vehicles for me, I was assured that they would have no problems whatsoever in getting a truck available within 10 days. After seven days with absolutely no communication from them, I called and asked what was going on. I was assured that they would check into the situation and get back to me. After several hours there was still no contact so I called again, and was again told, in a rather surly manner, that they would get back to me. On both conversations they person I spoke to was extremely surprised that the vehicles had not been picked up. Finally in the late afternoon the dispatcher contacted me and said they were still trying to get a truck but that the vehicles would be picked up in 24 to 48 hours. Three days later, the cars were still there, absolutely no communication from the company whatsoever. I again called and was again told they were trying to get a truck, I then decided to cancel the contract and get a refund on the deposit. This company does not care about customer satisfaction. Half the time they do not even answer their phones even if it is during "normal business hours", nor do they return calls on a timely basis. I feel extremely lucky this company did not get a hold of my property, who knows how long it would have taken to reach its destination, if at all.