I wrote a review back on 3/26/2010 which is about the same subject. Now we are at part 2 for these clowns and I am now filing a fraud case against them. I have read with interest Nola's problem and my additional troubles are similar. For example, ENOK ran my American Express card for payment back in March. We of course disputed the billing and were finally credited the full amount back from our charges for the hauling from Calif. ENOK decided to rerun the credited amount again this month on my American Express Card account !! Can you believe that ? He also ran it through his AT&T credit bill like Nola described. Guess what ? I reported it to Amex Exp and of course I did NOT approve his rebilling. They are now looking at this as a case of fraud. YIPEEE !!! Its way past time to lock these guys up !! I also see that Nola described the individuals who picked up the car as not being able to speak English. I have recently found out that they employ many illegal aliens and have reported them to Homeland Security,Naturalization and Immigration, State of Calif attorney General, Etc, Etc !! Lets keep these bozos on the run. They need to be out of business. Please help me keep the pressure on these idiots. P Hannon
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