rating because TSS Auto Sport Transport LLC. not BlueStars performance
Submitted this review about Bluestar Auto Movers Review made Live: 7/8/2009 2:57:00 PM
The personel at Blue Star were very helpful and very much on time. I was very impressed with their service and promptness. They even up graded my delivery to an enclosed truck due to timing for no additional cost. The issues I had were with the trucking company. The heads up time on the pickup was only 10 minutes, not the hour I was told. I was also told it would be delivered on Monday, July 6th. Then they called and said it would be there on the 4th (July) at noon. So we stayed home from the cabin for its arrival. At 4pm it still hadn't arrived I called the driver to find out what was going on. They stated it would be delivered at 7pm. The car finally got into town at 10pm and was not delivered until 7am the next morning. I understand there is window for delivery but a heads up call on a holiday weekend would have been in order. And after all that the keys to the car were lost in transport some how, which has caused me to buy all new locks and cylinders for the whole car. The delivery price was very good but not when you have to spend another $125 to buy new keys and locks. (TSS Auto Sports Transport LLC.)
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