Outstanding Service!

Zee Submitted this review about Bluestar Auto Movers
Review made Live: 3/24/2008 8:44:00 AM
I got a new job and had to move clear cross country. It was imperative that my car was there waiting on me because it would be myself and my two toddlers. I had missed the first date because I wanted to have my car serviced one last time. So we made a new date which they drivers picked up my car on the 2nd day of the three day window. It was Thursday. By Tuesday my mom called me and said my car had arrived. There was absolutely no damage or issues with my car. I was very pleased with using this company and I would call them again should the need arise. I work in a military community where there is always a need for companies like this. I will refer all my friends to use Blue Star from here on. Thanks for everything!