Car Shipment

Kelly Submitted this review about Best Rate Auto Transport
Review made Live: 9/11/2013 12:46:00 AM
I think this is my first time to write a review. I decided to write this review because I want most of people feel confident to ship their car through Best Rate Auto Transport Co. It is not just because of their best rate, but their fast service too. The car I brought is for my niece who is in University of Mo. When Mrs. Stefania asked me what time I preferred to ship my niece's car on Wensday, I just said that the car wasn't in rush to ship as long as I could get a better rate.  Then she did give me a best rate and also told me the driver could pick up the car in the flowing Thursday day. My niece could get the car on next Monday. I'm kind of doubt but still want to try like gambling. Since I did a lot of reasaches about car transport companies, most of them with excellent reviews but higher rate. Best Rate Auto Transport has more than 30 reviews and all are excellent. However with their best rate, it is still hard to believe. However I decided to give a try. The following Monday my niece was so happy to call me that she got the car. The car is in great condition. Therefore, I strongly suggest you to go with Best Rate, a friendly lady, Stefania. She said what she did. The car was picked up fast and arrived on time. It took only 4 days from CA to Mo which include two days weekend.