BAIT AND SWITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jakbo klawitter Submitted this review about BT Express Auto Transport
Review made Live: 3/26/2008 1:53:00 AM
Why was bt unable to move your car and mine? Simple, because they low ball the offer so much, no drivers want to pick it up for that price. You think your quote is only a hundred or so lower, so it sounds convincing and not too good to be true, but what they actually offer the drivers is waaaay less, only you have no way of knowing that.They just keep a larger amount of your money. Yes, they use the line, "there are drivers in your area" yeah, well I am sure there were. But I paid you 1200 to move my truck, you took my deposit, and then put my ford f-250 on the board for 865. No driver can make money off that so, it just sat for two and half months. Of course, at the time I had no idea that BT had listed my truck so low. So I kept waiting,and waiting and they kept lying and lying about drivers in the area, I had to put my truck in storage. Then when I called a mover directly,he said yeah," I see your truck still on the board, and they have it listed at 865$," then he told me NO ONE IS GOING TO MOVE IT FOR THAT PRICE. He said Bt does this all the time. This is so they can get your business with the best quote price, but then low ball the truckers so bad none of them want to pick up your vehicle. Maybe if a driver has a near full load they will pick up a car for that low of a price, but it is likely you may not get it picked up at all or several weeks late. We canceled our order. Thanks to the truckers advice.

Then we began the battle of getting our deposit back. Six months later, five or more phone calls a week(for 25 weeks!) emails, I.M on their website, they come with excuse after excuse. BT auto should be called B.S auto!!! (come on get your mind out of the gutter for Bait and Switch auto! not Bull Sh#t auto! although, that would work well too.) their website says nothing about being a discount broker, and has "satisfaction guarantee" all over it. I would go with the ratings on the web and stay away!!!!!!

No this is not the first time I have shipped a vehicle this would have been the fourth, and this was all about BT!! them as a broker agency. Their awful service, their unreliability, their dishonestly. I had a few delays, with the other drivers, weather holidays, it happens, but the brokers were never anything but polite and helpful till bt. Beware oh, and to all the people who said that their order had to be "redispatched, or reassigned?" I doubt that was true, probably never had a carrier to began with, just a ploy for more time. And a reason to keep your deposit.

here are a few reasons not to use them.
low ball
are late if they come
do not refund deposit
make excuses
have no customer
service are all over every consumer web site with HORRIBLE reviews
write their own phony reviews in an obvious effort at damage control
are on movers black
the military transportation office, has a warning against using them
military one source, which they do not have access to, so they can not write fake reviews has 31 negative reports

just because they have a BBB emblem DOES NOT make them reputable, they pay to be in the BBB. And just because a complaint says "resolved does not mean that the customer was taken care of, besides you can't read the actual complaints. I am sorry if you had to cancel your order with them because you will never get your deposit back. I have filed a complaint with the Oklahoma attorney general, you should too.