excellent auto transport....

reynold Submitted this review about AutoZipper
Review made Live: 2/13/2007 3:20:00 PM
I am a travelling nurse and i signed up an assignment in california. Since this is my first travel, I don't really know what auto transport company to use, and not only that I am also transporting one of my prized possession which is my Lexus IS 300. So I went ahead and searched for auto transporters through the internet, a lot of auto transport companies responded but when i looked up their customer reviews it made me feel really afraid having other companies transport my car just by reading all those negative comments in their reviews but there's only one company that caught my attention which is of course auto zipper. All of their customer ratings were excellent and people are happy with their service so I went ahead and called brian cronin with auto zipper to arrange transport. I was still a bit doubtful but when i received my car in california, it was in excellent condition like when my car was loaded in the truck. I was so grateful that I made the right choice. Loiue the driver was also very helpful and very professional, he kept me informed all the way. thanks again!!!