I'm picky picky

Brian Submitted this review about AutoZipper
Review made Live: 8/15/2007 3:08:00 PM
AutoZipper was very accommodating with regards to my move. I had 2 cars to move, and I needed the cars as long as I could in 'origin' state (Mass). I told them I needed them till at least Mon. and we we're arriving in N.C. that same week on Thurs. Carrie/AutoZipper called me back 2-3 times with possibilities and I could pick the one that worked. After I picked one, and she called back again with a better one about 10 mins after the fact.

In the beginning I had a ton of questions, and even reviewed this site to check out options. I called Brian/AutoZipper and explained that I've never done this before and I'm really picky about my cars so I needed some reassurance about my selections. He aswered everything the way I wanted to hear them and was very confident about himself and the company to 'deliver'.

Everything was top notch and that's why they're getting a top notch grade from me, and will get my return business with pleasure!