frank Submitted this review about Auto Transport 123
Review made Live: 12/28/2012 2:32:00 PM
First let me start by telling every one a little about myself so every one reading this doesnt think im some kook with a vendetta. My name is F.Mesen and I work in law enforcement in Ca, Officer F.Mesen Ca badge #81044 and just incase for those who dont know its a felony to inpersonate an officer. Im not letting people know this to intimidate im only doing it to establish credibility. Even this company didnt know this about me until now. Now on with my story. This is the second company I had try to transport my vehicle. From day one I dealt with Steve at ext 512, Steve is a liar who is worse than any cars salesman Ive came across in my life. I asked Steve specifily if this company owned any of their own trucks and he told me yes which is a flat out lie! This company is a broker only. This guy will tell you any lie under the sun to make a sale. A week later they had to cancel my order due to the fact that they couldnt get a driver to transport my vehicle and then they acted like they did me a favor cause they didnt charge me a fee, even though they did nothing for me. Right after I left a review about this company which was deleted almost immediatly by them. I spoke to the owner Keith who offered me money not to put this review up,YES AGAIN HE TRIED TO PAY ME OFF NOT TO LEAVE THIS REVIEW!!! Come to find out that Steve is not only his employee but his son. After refusing to take the money the owner asked me how he could make this right which I tried to give him a chance and almost a week later he failed to make it up to me. Then he had the nerve to say he hopes in the future I would use his company to transport another vehicle if needed. Not only would I never use this company but just from this experiance I WILL NEVER TRANSPORT ANOTHER VEHICLE IN MY LIFE!! The days of lying and decieving customers without people finding out is over thanks to websites like these. Now im stuck with a vehicle thats still in another state ive already started making payments on it plus im paying insurance on it but am yet to drive it due to companys like this. This company has not only wasted my time but has cost me over $400 this month alone. P.S. To Auto transport 123 if you delete this review again I will contact this website to have it put back up! And dont bother contacting me either are business here is done! Sincerly Officer F.Mesen

Company Response
Keith from Auto Transport 123 Submitted this response.
Response Date: 12/31/2012 9:44:00 AM
First let me start off by saying we offer our services the same way to every customer so whether your a so called Officer Mesen or just a regular civilian we DO NOT LIE to earn business. It leaves us uncertain why you'd make this claim that we own our own trucks when we do not...We operate within a direct network and no one has EVER made this claim against us in the past. We have no reason to tell you we do, because we simply do not. I did contact you after posting this review, you claimed we had cost you a ton of money hence my offering you some money to compensate a poor experience. To any future customers I made this offer after we allowed Mr.Mesen to cancel his order for free as he stated which is unheard of.