Show Truck To SEMA Show 2011

Deric Dupey Submitted this review about Auto Transport 123
Review made Live: 10/30/2011 10:17:00 PM
Had a last minute vehicle that needed to make it from Pittsburgh PA to Las Vegas Neveda. Called Evan
he said "I'm not gonna stop till I get this truck there for you" He worked on the booking for 14hrs STRAIGHT. Called me every hour to let me know where the transport stood. Finally he came back and said I have one it will make your dead line. We shipped our Ford F150 SHOW VEHICHLE from Pittsburgh on Wed. It arrived in Vegas on Saturday. Evan and Jim made the impossible happen! They will have all our business from now on. Any show vehicle and common vehicles they will take care of you. USE THESE GUYS I will from now on.

Ground Force Suspension