Illegal Credit Card Charge

Yaequita McCutchen Submitted this review about Auto Shippers America
Review made Live: 8/29/2008 7:19:00 PM
My husband is an officer of the US Army stationed in Iraq. He asked me to research the cost of transporting a vehicle from California. I sent a general online request for quote through a automoving website that promises several quotes with the use of one form.

I received numerous calls from companies, but NEVER contracted with anyone because I've been continuing to request rates and referrals. I noticed a credit card charge of $195 to my cc and called to inquire about it. I was told to email Andrew and when i did, he informed me that my contract was executed and my credit card authorized by my daughter. One small problem, I am the 25 year old mother of a 3 year old SON. The owner, Andrew Grossman proceeded to inform me that I should not bother requesting a refund, because everyone that tries to get one loses.

I have filed complaints with the FEDERAL MOTOR CARRIERS ASSOCIATION AS WELL AS THE BBB (their rating is F) and forwarded this matter for investigation.

Company Response
Andrew Gross from Auto Shippers America Submitted this response.
Response Date: 9/3/2008 4:37:00 PM
I have read the cpmments, and now the truth. Tanda Williams, the mother of yequita set up the contract, provided all shipping information; names, addresses, and phone contact numbers. Once done, yequita got on the phone & provided her proprietary credit card information. They did this together! For yequita to deny this contract & her participation in it is insulting and a lie. Apparently because the car was not picked up fast enough, (they selected the least expensive level of service and not the fastest), she tried to cancel and then denied ever having a contract. There is absolutely no wayASA would have all their pertinent shipping information as well as her credit card info. It is only provided by the customer. Not to mention, we do not work towards dispatch or waste our time on a phantam contract. In my telecon w/ Yequita. albeit it brief, she became very angry & evasive when I asked her a few questions in an attempt at clarity, she hung up on me. Honest people do not evade the truth.